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HIS 3348: The U.S. as a World Power: Research Starter

Research Starter

Use the resources to the right on this page to start your research, or to help you in picking a topic.

Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna

Dwight D. Eisenhower, 34th President of the United States, 1953-1961



American Decades Series

This series contains the decades of the twentieth century.  There is one decade per volume.  Included in each volume is sections on world and important events of the decade. Then there are chapters on the arts, business&  the economy,  covers education, fashion, government & politics, law & justice, lifestyles & social trends, media, medicine and health, religion. science & technology, and sports. Each chapter contains the following sections for the subject the chapter is about:  topics in the news, headline makers, people in the news, awards, deaths, and publications..