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HIS 4372: The New South: Documents produced by Government

Government Information

The government produces a lot of valuable information for researchers in the New South. There are laws, court cases, reports from different government agencies, congressional or legislative hearings and reports that can be extremely valuable to historical research. On this page are some of the government information from the Federal government, and state governments of the South that has been made available online.


Legal Database

Fort Worth Public Library Archives

The United States Census

The U.S. Census Bureau counts each resident of the country, where they live on April 1, every ten years ending in zero.  It includes populations of all states in the country, plus populations of counties and cities.  It also includes agricultural data, industrial/manufacturing data, and other information, such as number of schools by state. The link below takes you to a page where you can gain access to any census from 1790 to 2010.


Federal Government Sites

Image: The Capitol Building of the United States
National Capitol building in Washington D.C



Supreme Court