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Chicago/Turabian Style: VIsual Sources

Visual Sources

Visual Sources (17.8.1)

  • Paintings, sculptures, photographs and other artwork in notes only. 
  • Cite the artist’s name, title of the artwork, date of its creation, and name of the institution that houses the work. Titles of paintings and sculpture are in italics; titles of photographs are in quotes.
  • For graphic arts (print advertisements, maps, and cartoons), enclose the title in quotation marks and identify the type of graphic in parentheses if it is unclear from the title. Include the access date and URL for online sources.


13. Howard Chandler Christy, Scene at the Signing of the Constitution of the United States, 1940, House of Representatives, Washington, DC.

14. Paul Juley, “Howard Chandler Christy at Work in His Studio with Model, ” ca. 1940, Smithsonian Art Museum, Washington, DC

Television Networks

CBS logoNBC logoABC logo

Broadcast Sources

Broadcast Sources (Radio or Television)

 Broadcast sources are only cited as notes. Include the title of the program, the date on which you viewed or listened to it, episode information (if available), and the date of original broadcast (if different from the date viewed).


15. MadMen, season 1, episode 12, “Nixon vs. Kennedy,” directed by Alan Taylor, aired October 11, 2007, on AMC, DVD (lions Gate Television, 2007), disc 4. 


Mad Men. Season 1, episode 12, “Nixon vs. Kennedy.” Directed by Alan Taylor. Aired October 11, 2007, on AMC. DVD. Lions Gate Television, 2007, disc 4.




Online Media Source:

Because online media sources have stable bibliographic information, you may include a note and bibliography entry. However, citations of videos and podcasts can normally be limited to the notes unless it is critical to your paper or frequently cited.


In addition to the standard bibliographic information, include the following: the title of the online site, the type of file, the time at which the cited material appears in the file (if applicable), the publication date, the date accessed, and the URL.

16. Roy Zimmerman, “Second Amendment Sing Along,” (music video), YouTube, Adobe Flash Video file, 0:45, posted April 19, 2009, accessed March 10, 2011,

17. Thomas T. Waterman, “Detail of Pier Cap Habs, DC, Wash, 1A-9,” 1938, American Memory, accessed March 10, 2011, JPEG file,


Zimmerman, Roy. “Second Amendment Sing Along.” (music video). YouTube, Adobe Flash Video file. Posted April 19, 2009. Accessed March 10, 2011.

Waterman, Thomas T. “Detail of Pier Cap Habs, DC, Wash, 1A-9.” 1938. American Memory. JPEG file. Accessed March 10, 2011.